Christ is not a lifestyle; He is life itself.
This is the thought that pervades my mind as I seek the Lord's strength... I have been so distracted, so tired lately... that I have not taken the adequate and necessary time to prepare for this trip. My Father is gently prodding me, encouraging me to "function" despite the mild chaos surrounding me right now. He is reminding me that when I chose to follow Him, by his Grace, I did not choose to live a certain lifestyle, but to die to myself, surrender my life, and allow Jesus to become the very air I breathe.
So often I find myself daily in a dangerously narrow mindset, focusing on myself and only the immediate surroundings which are most important to me. I have not chosen nearly enough to place value in most others, to place value in the peoples of the world I have not even met yet, to value the dire need of the nations for a Savior... The Lord cares for every trial and trouble of my heart, for every tear which falls from my eye, but He desires that my heart be His heart... and His heartbeat is for a lost world so desperately in need of Him.
I am merely a vessel. I cannot serve unless He allows, He lives in me and through me. My life is not my own; it was bought at a price. A steep, steep price.