Sunday, March 8, 2009

More Change in the Wind...

To make a long story short, Colorado Springs will likely be my home for longer than I had originally planned. And I am mostly ok with that.

I got an email from my boss in Czech today telling me that due to the weakening economy there, they are no longer able to guarantee me a job so they are not sending me a work permit. God certainly does provide answers in unexpected ways. (The Czech economy was the "rock" in Europe for a while). I just kind of stared at the email for a while, unsure how to feel about it. Mostly it is a complete reversal in direction, so I have to figure out completely different things now.

I need to look for a job, probably substitute teaching--which means I need to seek our resources/friends who have done this and figure out how to do it faster. Unfortunately I have missed most of the job fairs for school districts because I thought I had a job. I prefer subbing for the first year but in this economy, I need to apply for anything I can.

I need to find my own place to live. Prices around here are actually really good, but that is with a roommate. I have a friend or three who are potential roommates starting in the fall but my resources for a roommate are limited and I confess I prefer to have a roommate I know. (If you have any ideas in this area let me know!!)

I need to keep trusting God. I am surprised with how at peace I am in this change in direction even though life in general is stressing me out right now. God has provided wonderfully in many ways and I know He will continue to. Some questions are simply not yet answered. My role in Czech is one--just because this particular opportunity didn't work out doesn't mean that I won't ever go back, although I question whether I will go long-term (more than a year). Questions of relationships with different people are still unanswered in most cases.

There is a lot to figure out in the next few months, but I know He will be there... and I know that many of you reading this will be too! I appreciate that more than you know. Your prayers and support mean so much to me. I don't know what His plan has in store for me this year, but I know to expect nothing less than something amazing from the God who takes care of everything I need and more.