Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4-How am I doing?

It may seem a wee bit early to evaluate myself with my goals, but I'm going to anyway--I'm determined to make many changes--permanent changes--starting this year. :)

Fun Goals:
Reading--I haven't read too much yet, but I did start Anne of Green Gables on my Galaxy tablet. :) Loving it--I never knew the books would be so awesome!

Language Learning--no efforts put in just yet for this year, mostly because I had to return my French book to the library on the 27th. I will utilize more of my free time toward finding free online stuff to learn with once this weekend passes--my parents are coming for dinner, and I've been cleaning and organizing like crazy!

Organize our home--doing great there! I've worked on getting rid of lots of stuff and cleaning up and it's going pretty well.

Give up caffeine--doing fine there, I haven't had any soda so far this year. I will still have some occasionally but want to eliminate most soda and caffeine this year.

More serious Goals:

Weight: I'm currently around 143 (ugh), but that's better than a couple of weeks ago! I went on my first walk of the year today and I'm wiped. :) For a snack I had raisins and water, since walking got my appetite up.

Spacious Skies: I have been reading up on business plans (or at least I did a few nights ago) and writing down my thoughts and ideas. It's a step in the right direction. I really need to pick up my camera more often and more purposefully.

Bible Reading: mostly a fail so far. :( And this is important. I need to crack the whip on this one and get better!