This is a special post that especially Mountain View people will be interested in, since they are more involved with the Maják church plant in Vsetín. Here I will post a few pics of the baptisms that occurred this past Sunday. You may even recognize some faces! :-)
So me, Kosťa, Iva and MaSlo went to a nearby village after lunch Sunday, where Maják was having a mini-retreat for some planning. My friend Ondřej Chytil invited me to Vsetín for this event, so thats why I was there for the weekend. :-) It was good to see him again. I thought only his fianceé was getting baptized, but there were 3 getting baptized: Hanka, a young girl of about 9 or 10, and a girl I met at camp in 2007 named Eva who is probably around 15.

When we got there, one of the worship leaders did a few songs in Czech and then one of the pastors led prayer. Many people in the church prayed aloud for the new believers before the pastor closed. Then Hanka gave her testimony, which was great to hear. :-) (Thank goodness for translating friends!) Then the 3 were baptized very quickly in an above-ground pool, outside where the weather was not very warm (maybe in the 50s...) and the water was certainly not very warm. :-) This was a joyful celebration for the church. We stayed maybe an hour or so after, speaking to Maják members who are people we know. I spoke with Daniel Hurta, the main pastor, and he introduced me to Marie, their primary teacher of English for their 3-month English progr
Long story short, look for another update soon about Maják's English weekend in November. :-) I was asked and also offered to help out and be a native speaker their to help Czechs with their conversational English, and I am excited for the opportunity! Please pray for this as well!
This was a huge blessing to attend, and I am sure that MVC will be getting even more details very soon in the Maják update.
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