Today I went to Albert to buy some groceries for the last time (unless I must buy some more Kofola thursday :-) ). The last rohliky. The last salami and cheese. Well, thats pretty much my diet this week for lunch. :-) Since all my dishes are stored in Brno, I have no way of cooking so I am being creative. I am currently heating some leftovers, wrapped in tinfoil, on my radiator! Just had a sausage so that's actually working pretty well...
Its just strange how "fast" the semester is ending. On the one hand I feel like I have been here a very long time and I am used to my routines and way of life here. On the other hand, I know that a LOT of things have changed back home... some for better some for worse, and getting used to those changes won't be easy, in addition to settling back into "the American way of life". Heck, I haven't driven a car since September 8th! Not only that but from what I hear its really cold and icy back home and I have to drive this Saturday. woohoo! haha, please pray for me. :-)
So I am now spending my evenings packing, reading, watching TV online, trying to enjoy some last times with people here... keep some connections for the future hopefully. Last night was the CESP farewell dinner and that was a great chance to just hang out with people and talk without having to drink a ton of alcohol myself. :-) I DID have a glass of champaigne so never say i didnt. ;-) But I did manage to trade my vouchers for beer and wine, for ones for soda. :-) We each got one voucher for each of those 3 drinks. So I had Kofola. :-) Nectar of Moravia... :-P
Well, life is kind of strange.
But its also blessed... My dear friend Iva likes to remind me that I am coming home to Vsetín next year, so having friends like that here just makes me smile. :-) And I have dear friends and family in Colorado that I cannot wait to see again. Life feels like a paradox right now, and it kind of is... I am kind of caught between two worlds, and while the balance will tip back and forth sometimes, it will probably be tipping that way for the rest of my life.
So this has been a good and challenging semester... God has challenged me in a lot of areas I need to grow in, and even shown me some positive things I didn't reailze were that strong. I would say more of the needing to grow but hey... :-) That's life anyway. But He is good and that's what He has been reinforcing in me all this time even when things have seemed really difficult. Even though I will miss Czech and Czech friends, I am excited for the ways He will grow me and show me Himself this semester--even in the area of student teaching!
Oh and I turned in all the required stuff for my work permit this week, so its a MAJOR blessing that my boss is able to get that going now! It increases the chance that I can come here when I want to and not be delayed 5 months, like the last person he hired! Hallelujah. :-)¨
So, here's to seeing you soon... and, Veselé Vánoce, a veselý nový rok. :-) Merry Christmas and happy new year. In case I don't write again before then. But this is me, signing off from the Czech Republic. I fly out Friday at 9:55 AM. :-) Ahojky!
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