Sunday, April 29, 2007

Metaphoric teaching

Okay, maybe this is extremely lame, but God used the weather today to remind me of his truth.

I was in Black Forest for the day and a rainstorm was passing through when I was leaving. It was big but not so big that is covered the whole sky... as I was driving west the sunlight was still very bright, and the light was made much more intense by the dark cloud covering part of the sun and a good portion of the rest of the sky. This intense light amplified every beautiful color... the snow on Pikes Peak was so brilliantly white because there was some blue sky to the south, dark clouds above it, and bright sunlight from the northwest. It was crazy. As I looked at the foothills and mountains there seemed to be sooo many more hills than I remembered because the light and shadows combined to outline each one... I have no idea how it works. Every color and shape, though, was much more intense due to this combination of light and dark.

The lesson in that for me was... well, I've been going through my own metaphorical storm lately. And, God brought out some sunlight through that recently. The storm isn't over and it isn't huge, much like the one I saw today. But the goodness of the light combined with the difficulty of the remaining darkness amplified many things for me, helping me to see things a lot more clearly than I have before. Things about myself, relationships with people and with God, and how God works when sometimes it seems He is gone.

Then as I was driving north, I saw an extremely brilliant rainbow, made much brighter by the very dark clouds in the background. The rainbow in the storm reminded me that God keeps his promise, even during the darkness of the storm, and that His promise and truth will prevail and He will not leave me or fail me no matter how the storm rages. I also noticed that, for the first time, I could see from the ground that the rainbow did not seem to be coming from BEHIND the landscape - I could see faintly the colors against the ground beneath the horizon, which was strange. It reminded me that I once saw a rainbow from the air. A rainbow is actually not an arc but a complete circle, like a halo. It was so amazing. And THAT reminded me that God's goodness, faithfulness, and promises are eternal - they have no beginning or end, like the rainbow. And, like the rainbow, we have a difficult time comprehending that because most of the time we cannot see the complete picture. Like seeing a rainbow from an airplane, it takes a new and rare perspective to see things as they really are.

Lastlly, as a I passed Castle Rock, I could see in my rearview mirror the bright rainbow behind me now, huge against the very dark sky. I was past the storm and the sun was out at this point, and it reminded me that even as the storms of life (how lame sounding! ahhh!) pass by and we are brought through them with the assurance of God's promise, His promises remain... they do not fade with the storm. But, the glory of God's promises can be much more difficult to remember when the storm is past and especially when the sun is shining brilliantly. It's easy to enjoy the perfect weather and forget that we need God even when things are going well.

Oh, how I need my savior now more than ever... He must be my strength as the sun shines brighter and brighter! Only with my Lord can the sun shine anyway. I pray He will bless me with sunshine and storms... and rainbows...

Friday, April 20, 2007

What my Lord has been teaching me...

In no particular order...

1) I am selfish. I unintentionally put others before myself. Even when inside I want to do what is best for the other person I find myself becoming defensive, wanting to gain the foothold for what I want. I love one on one time with people and allow myself to sometimes be jealous when I cannot have that desired time, rather than appreciating the time I do have, both in groups and one on one, and being happy to see my dear friends enjoying the company of other dear friends.

2) I am presumptuous - judgmental? I don't think judgmental is the right word here. I just tend to assume I know what people are thinking, particularly if I think there is something wrong between myself and another person. And I typically assume the worst. And if the opportunity arises in conversation to become defensive, this is usually what I fall back on-accusing those I love of not caring for me genuinely in return, or at least not showing it. Perhaps I am simply blind.

3) I speak too quickly without thinking first. I tend to say things I don't mean, or say things that don't accurately show what I mean, without processing my thoughts and emotions first. I hurt people in this way. I don't turn to my Jesus with my thoughts and feelings before expressing them to the world. I don't allow Him to make me renewed.

4) I am too emotional. I let my feelings get the best of me. I react to my initial emotions which of course are usually the most strong ones. Rather than giving up my emotions to God, I let them consume and control and overpower me.

5) I, as a result of the above, have a foolish temper. I let the stupid, insignificant things bother me. I don't take the time to differentiate between what is important and what is trivial. I let my foolish pride and anger separate me from my brothers and sisters in Christ at times.

6) I am prideful. I tend to simply assume that I am right when something happens between me and another person rather than praying to the Lord and letting Him show me where I have erred. Rather than letting go of my pride for the sake of reconciliation and love I fight for my "right" rather than admitting I am wrong, at least before it's too late.

7) I allow my heart to worship idols. Of sorts. I allow possessions, relationships, school to become idols to me. I let myself at times become caught up in consumerism, thinking that one item from the store could just make me a little happier, a little more accepted. How foolish I am! I allow myself to believe that a friendship, or a relationship with a guy, is going to fill my heart and help to make me whole, to change me. How foolish I am! I allow myself to believe that if my grades are amazing and I graduate with honors that my heart will be satisfied and I'll look amazing. How foolish I am! None of those things bring the fullness of joy. Only Jesus. Only Jesus.

8) I rely too much on myself. I think I have the "willpower" to change myself and my life. I think I can "make the decision" to just wake up daily and be filled with joy and peace. In reality only God can provide all those things. I must wake up daily and place my trust in Him, humbly ask Him for the gifts of joy, peace, and change. I must let Him renew me from the inside out, rather than relying on my own pathetically weak intentions.

9) My attitude daily does not reflect the life and hope I have in Christ my savior. Especially lately. I've been dealing with so much that I let it overwhelm me and act in foolish, sinful ways. I allow myself to vent to unbelievers in ways that do not honor the Lord because I know they will accept how I feel and what I say. I should be laying my hurt and anger when it arises, my sadness,at the feet of Jesus. They should be offerings to my Lord rather than steam blown off in a sinful attitude. I let one situation run my life rather than coming before the Lord and actually trusting Him to take care of it, to heal my broken spirit, and to restore.

10) I have little patience. I desire instant gratification too much. I want the broken things in my life restored as soon as possible. But rather than trusting that the Lord has it in His might hand, that things WILL be healed and that time must be allowed, I allow my heart to become sunken and sullen for want of immediate renewal. My Lord has brought me to my knees and I simply want to be let up rather than falling prostrate before Him, accepting His admonishment, basking in the opportunity to learn from my many mistakes, and then taking His hand as He gently pulls me up again... clean, fresh, renewed.

...and so much more. My God in heaven loves me too much to leave me the way I am. How I pray He is working in me to change me... in ways I cannot yet see. but God is faithful. He delivers on His promises. "Though the sorrow may last for the night, His joy comes in the morning." Nighttime doesn't last forever. The sun is somewhere below the horizon, ready to break into dawn at any moment. I wait in great anticipation....