Monday, December 12, 2011

Thoughts on Tebow

As the Broncos continue to pull off "miraculous" wins each week, Tebow and his team are drawing increasing attention to themselves. Tebow in particular draws praise, criticism, and admiration as the eyes of the world fall upon him.

Tebow is not shy about his faith. This is a huge part of why I, among many, am drawn to him and admire him. He started off his most recent press conference by thanking the Lord. He apparently ended it by saying "Ya'll have a blessed day".

Along with this, he is humble. He constantly praises his teammates, highlighting their accomplishments, stating how they make him look better than he is. He speaks or their talent AND character. He acknowledges his own weaknesses. All of this he does publicly.

Tim Tebow is in the public spotlight closely but is living his life as a believer as if he was just "any ordinary guy". I'm sure he's aware that his mistakes on and off the field will bring even greater criticism to himself as well as all believers. But, so far, he's been a shining example of what it is to stand up for what you believe in, even when you're mocked for it.

I know I want to be as real in my faith as Tim Tebow is.

Tebow's own teammates acknowledge how different he is, and the positive impact he has in their lives. ( ) He's affecting them both on and off the field, clearly. This team is catching the attention of the world because they are winning games in what seems like an impossible fashion. Rather than "letting the Broncos win", I believe that God is simply using their wins to draw attention to the bigger, more important things going on with these men--the changes in their lives that are bringing them together as a team on the football field. That's why they are winning.

So I suppose it can still be called "divine intervention", but I think the intervention is in the hearts of men, not necessarily because God is a Broncos fan. :)

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