Thursday, December 29, 2011

Goals for 2012

I have created my goals for 2012! I'm in a productive mood, which will hopefully continue consistently as 2011 becomes the new year. I feel more accomplished and peaceful when I've been productive. So I am posting these goals publicly in hopes that some of my readers might occasionally hold me accountable to them! I'm only editing them slightly for personal reasons (meaning, leaving out small details) and so they appear simpler--I'm not including the steps I have outlined for obtaining the goals. Those are up to me!

So here they are:

1. Obtain and maintain my goal weight.

2. Officially create Spacious Skies Photography

3. Begin reading Bible daily, with a purpose.

These are my MAJOR goals, the ones I consider to be important and top-priority. I also have some FUN goals! :)

1. Read at least 25 books I haven’t read before—10 classics.

2. Re-learn French

3. Organize our apartment/home.

4. Give up caffeinated soda.

Tell me what you think! I'd also love to hear ideas from your own experience about how to obtain these goals and remember them throughout the year!

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