Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Some days I just can't find in me the strength even to turn to the Lord and be healed. I don't understand.

This is one of those random, not-often-occurring evenings where nothing seems to be going right for no real explicable reason. I simply feel overwhelmed and depressed due to school, relationships, and even, especially, my relationship with the Lord. I feel that I am failing in all of those areas.

I can't find the motivation to work hard in school and care about it.
I can't seem to give my relationships over to the Lord and trust Him with them, and I can't just be a normal human being with people. I don't know how to be me. I'm not sure I understand right now who I am.
I can't seem to spend quality prayer time with the Lord the last couple of weeks, can't make the time to meditate on His word, can't let my life be an example of His love.

I'm not even trying to lean on myself as opposed to the Lord. I'm not relying on myself to do things. But nothing seems to be going right. I feel like such a miserable failure. I know it will pass.
Even though I feel that I am in darkness now I know somehow and not too far away is the time when my Jesus will have pulled me from the shadows into his loving arms of grace once again.

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